Mentors Hub
Welcome to our Mentors
Thank you so much for choosing to volunteer with Medics&Me, not only does it make a difference to the students and teachers we work with, but you are joining a like minded community of medical students and doctors. Your Schools Lead is there to support you and Emily and Catherine (Mentoring Directors) are on hand to help, please don't hesitate to drop them an email if you have any questions.

Dr Tamra Nathan
Medics and Me has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have had. As a final year medical student it was lovely to have a mentee who was as engaged and enthusiastic as Travin! He helped me remember why I wanted to study Medicine and seeing him secure an unconditional offer at his first choice university was something I will never forget. He is going to be a phenomenal Doctor and thanks to this charity we were able to make sure he could secure the place he always deserved. I look forward to continuing to work with students and the whole Medics and Me team, I would undoubtedly recommend it to anyone interested!
Blog for Mentors

Please check out our blog below for more information on making the most of volunteering with us, career support, advice for med school and much more
If after reading this you would prefer to do a role such as a mentoring or with a more prescriptive job description such as schools lead (running the programme of mentors in a school and delivering PBL sessions to students) please let us know, it’s no problem to change roles.
Raise the profile of Medics&Me to med students at your uni, what we do, why we do it, how people can be a part of it
Show mentees what your uni is about! Many students will not know others at your uni or studying medicine.
We have found over the three years we have done this that people who volunteer have similar values, all care about the common cause of reducing educational inequality and feel passionately about making medicine a fairer place. We want to provide a place for people to come to make friends if they’ve just joined uni, or get support say if they’re a year 2 student nervous about exams and another mentor is a year 4. We want to create a culture of support within year groups, as often it can be daunting as a year 1/2 and this aligns with the charities values. By having a WhatsApp group of Medics&Me mentors and events every couple of months we hope to create this ‘community’ feel between mentors- led by you.
Out of all the roles in Medics&Me this is one with the most scope to be creative, lead and have the autonomy to run new ideas or events. You are the representative of the charity at your university, the main purposes of your role are:
Regional Leads and Uni Hubs
We encourage all committee/regional leads to have a mentor if they think they can manage it. This will allow you to fully understand the role and also directly support a student 1-1 no need to apply- let us know if you’re interested and we can send a “mentor information form” straight through.
This is a relatively new role and we want your feedback. We hope to come together as a team monthly to discuss ideas that worked, things that maybe could have been more efficient or just to catch up.
Besides leading an initiative that supports both students from non-selective state schools and med students who share your values we also want to support you.
Evidence of Leadership: We will provide a certificate and evidence of everything you do within your role
Evidence of Education: All educational events whether virtual open days or an in person year 1 revision guide session will have feedback forms you can utilise
Merchandise: We will arrange for you to get charity merch, either a t-shirt or hoodie
Meet Up: In April we will arrange and fund an in person meet up for all regional leads to come together as a team and meet up in Manchester
If you’re hoping to apply to the SFP we have junior doctors on it who can answer questions and offer advice on how to tailor your experience

View our resources and policies to support you in your role as a mentor.
View our previous research posters too.
If you are interested in getting involved please email